Artarmon Public School
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McMillan Road
Artarmon NSW 2064

Phone: 02 9411 1950

Parents and Citizens


The Artarmon Public School parents and citizens' association (P&C) offers parents and carers an excellent opportunity to strengthen the links between the school and the wider community. We welcome everyone involved with our school community to participate.

Functions of the parents and citizens' association

The Artarmon P&C coordinates or directly provides services at the school in addition to raising funds that contribute to school assets and teaching resources in order to:

  • facilitate communication and social interaction across the school community
  • celebrate and support the diverse multicultural community at the school
  • promote the recreation and welfare of the students at the school
  • encourage parent & community participation in educational outcomes
  • assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school where the need arises
  • provide a voice for parents and the community in major decisions concerning the school.

The P&C also provides governance and coordination for the various sub committees that support the school community, such as canteen, social and fundraising, multi-cultural, uniform, band, strings, gardening, sustainability and traffic.

Please download our constitution and rules for further information:

Members of the parents and citizens' association

The P&C executive is made up of the president, vice president, vice president (regional), secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer.

The P&C sub committees all have conveners who coordinate the various activities of their committees.

The current members of the P&C are: 

Parents and citizens' association meetings

P&C meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of each month during term and are held in the school staff room, at 7pm. We hear reports from the school executive (principal, deputy principal, and assistant principals), the P&C committee conveners and general business is discussed. Minutes of each meeting including reports from each committee are published here—P&C meetings & minutes.

To continue to provide the services to students and parents that the school community has come to expect of the P&C, the eagerness of new volunteers needs to be encouraged at every opportunity. It is always inspiring to see parents giving generously of their time, skills and money to support the school. 

Joining Artarmon P&C is easy and a great way to get involved with your child's life at school or a great way to stay in touch with what is happening at school—how you can help.

Parents and citizens' association at our school

Parents and citizens' association coordinates and funds many essential services for students and their families at the school, as well as providing a voice for school families and the community in the running of Artarmon Public School.

All P&C operated facilities aim to price as low as practical by relying heavily on volunteers, while still providing quality products and services to Artarmon school families. All profits are used to purchase additional educational resources for the school.

Becoming a volunteer yourself helps keeps these facilities running smoothly but also is a great way to contribute to your community and meet local people.

At school you will find:

  • The canteen provides thousands of pre-ordered lunches to students a year and is open for students to purchase snacks before school, during breaks and after school on Fridays.
  • The uniform operates twice a week for over-the-counter sales, or you can download an order form and have your purchases delivered to your child in class.
  • Class parents provide a point of contact between teachers and other parents in each class.
  • Leading music programs including brass and jazz band and strings ensembles with lessons provided at school.
  • Fundraising at the school is done through voluntary contributions, which deliver many of the teaching resources at the school each year and the social and fundraising committees, which raise funds for equipment and asset purchases for the school.

Upcoming events 


  • Wednesday 26 February 2021 - AGM and P&C Meeting, 7pm
  • Wednesday 25 March 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm


  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm  
  • Wednesday 20 May 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm  
  • Wednesday 24 June 2021 -   P&C Meeting, 7pm   


  • Wednesday 22 July 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm
  • Wednesday 26 August 2021 - P&C Meeting 7pm
  • Wednesday 23 September 2021 - P&C Meeting 7pm


  • Wednesday 28 October 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm
  • Wednesday 25 November 2021 - P&C Meeting, 7pm